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AI Open House with Özgür Kartal

27.09.2023 13:00 - 15:00
AI Startup Rising by Hessian AI
Özgür Kartal


AI Startup Rising offers with the AI Open House a contact point for questions, ideas and inspirations regarding AI and startups – always on the last Wednesday of the month.

Whether basic questions about AI or hessian.AI, concrete startup ideas, interest in the usability of AI or an exchange on current research topics, we look forward to the conversation! In our public consultation hour, AI and innovation expert Özgür Kartal from AI Startup Rising will inform, advise and support you.

We connect you with the right experts in our network, draw your attention to funding programs or introduce you to suitable initiatives that will advance you and your topic.

If you already have specific questions, please send a short email in advance to: oezguer.kartal@hessian.ai" data-enc-email="brmthre.xnegny[at]urffvna.nv" data-renderer-mark="true" data-wpel-link="ignore">.

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