Funding programs, scholarships, ...
In addition to the ones you see here, there are a variety of other funding opportunities/scholarships that are not always equally accessible and/or suitable for all startup teams. A good overview of the various possibilities can be found here in the start-up portal of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).
Hessen Ideen Stipend
The state of Hessen supports university employees or graduates of Hessian universities who are interested in founding a company and who are in the early stages of developing an innovative, knowledge-based entrepreneurial business idea. The Hessen Ideen Stipendium provides funding for up to three people per start-up team (2,000 euros per month for six months each) as well as a coaching and ...
Hessian Start-up Award
Young Hessian companies and start-ups that have been on the market for less than five years can apply annually for the Hessian Start-up Award. It honors successful start-ups, and it is not just a question of turnover or profit. However, only start-ups that are active in the market and whose founders are not dependent on state funds for their livelihood are awarded prizes. Further information at: ...
EXIST Research Transfer
EXIST Research Transfer supports outstanding research-based start-up projects that involve complex and high-risk development work and consists of two funding phases: In the first funding phase, research results with start-up potential are to be further developed. The aim is to clarify questions relating to the implementation of scientific results in technical products and processes, to develop ...
EXISIT start-up stipend
EXISIT start-up stipend support students, graduates and scientists from universities and non-university research institutions who are interested in starting a business.The start-up teams receive an EXIST start-up grant at attractive conditions for a period of 12 months to develop a business plan and prepare for their start-up with the support of their university or research institution. Further ...